Duplicate Bridge Summary - Barry Rogoff

Barry Rogoff
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Duplicate Bridge Summary

Duplicate Bridge
I'm a tournament bridge player with the rank of ACBL Ruby Life Master. I've won numerous New England sectional and regional events and placed 7th in a national team event.

American Contract Bridge League
My first job out of college was on the staff of  the ACBL Bulletin monthly magazine. I moved to Memphis, Tenn. when the ACBL moved its headquarters there from Greenwich, Conn. It was a terrific opportunity but I was too young and stupid to keep that job.

Eastern Massachusetts Bridge Association
I was a member of the board of directors of the Eastern Massachusetts Bridge Association (EMBA, ACBL Unit 108) for two years and co-edited the Quick Trick newsletter, which won several awards.

New Hampshire Bridge Association
I was a member of the board of directors of the New Hampshire Bridge Association (NHBA, ACBL Unit 150) for four years. During that time I built and maintained a professional-quality website for the association and posted tournament results in a format much superior to other ACBL units. I migrated the NHBA site to Pianola so that players could get their club game results mailed to them rather than having to wait for paper printouts to be taped to the wall. The technology worked so that that I convinced ACBL District 25 (New England) to adopt "Fast Results," which allowed tournament players to get their results emailed to them rather than having to wait in the playing area for paper printouts. The District used Fast Results for a period of time after which ACBL Live became into being, eliminating the need for Fast Results.

Bidding System Notes
I've included the Two-Over-One Game Force system notes template I use for new partners and the Precision notes I used to play when I could remember it all. The Precision notes are very extensive and I advise anyone looking to play Precision to use the "Meckwell Lite" system instead.

Nashua Sunday Telegraph Column

I wrote a bridge column for the Nashua Sunday Telegraph newspaper from 2012 to 2014. The Telegraph changed management in 2014 and decided that columns about gardening, astrology, comic books, etc., were more important to its readership than bridge. Only a few columns are visible here. Preparing the columns for this website and uploading them is an ongoing job.

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